About Us

Our History

Aqua One Store is wholly owned by Darren M Jolley. We are Aquatic retailers, importers and distributors of very long (40 years!) experience. Based in the North West, just outside of Blackpool in Lancashire. We were one of the very first business’s to take notice of the Aqua One Brand when it came to the UK and have enjoyed a very close relationship as trading partners for a full twenty years now.

Aqua One Store

Every brand needs great spares support to maintain its reputation with customers and to provide end user service and that’s our job. Since 2008 we have shipped tens of thousands of Aqua One parts, accessories and spares the length and breadth of the UK. No one knows the Aqua One ranges better and no one has a better ability to obtain the parts that Aqua One Customers need.

Just Aqua One

It seems an obvious thing to say but Aqua One is all we do. Just the one brand, nothing else. We are focused, knowledgeable, efficient and, thanks to our long established buying power, very competitive.

Our Values

We believe that our long term success is a result of our fairness and customer focus. Whether you call into the warehouse to pick up your spares, or order via our secure website you will be served with the same care and attention. We recognise that our reputation is everything. We want to be here for another 35 years…these are exciting times for fish keeping, the future has never been better for the industry and we wouldn’t want to miss out….

To all of you, from all of us at Aqua One Store – Thank you and Happy shopping!`