Aqua one Flexible Cleaning Brush set – 3 brushes

A set of three Aqua One flexible cleaning brushes that together will clean just about any area on any filter. Impeller chambers can be rinsed out, rigid pipes, elbows and spray bars will be far cleaner in a jiffy. Every hidden crevice is reachable and scrubbable.

Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £5.25.

Product Description

These Aqua One cleaning brushes go anywhere and clean anything. The pump for your or Aqua Style aquarium will be pristine, your CF or Advance external filter will be free from debris build up and even the nooks and crannies in your ornaments will benefit from a good flush out. You cant do a good job without the proper tools and these brushes will make filter cleaning both easier and more efficient.

You're viewing: Aqua one Flexible Cleaning Brush set – 3 brushes Original price was: £6.99.Current price is: £5.25.
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